Note: I did not write this. This is from the guys at Proceed at your own risk!









JUNE 4, 1999


The official Star Wars chat site Talkcity had a chat with Rick McCallum (Episode I producer) and Lucasfilm animatics artists Kevin Baillie and
Ryan Tudhope.  Lots of Episode II stuff came out of it.  The highlights:

  • Darth Maul will not return.
  • The Episode II script is not yet done - still shooting for september
  • Anakin casting has not yet begun - will begin in September.
  • Female Jedi's?  Maybe.

The Episode II portions of the chat transcript are below:

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-monkeyboy says: As much as you can, what info is there on the next movie?

RickMcCallum: I can't give you any information, other than the fact that I think the story George has is fantastic, complicated, and dangerous!

ASKLucasfilm: ltnfire1 says: Are you both going to work on the next film?

RickMcCallum: Yes, we are. We have started work on Episode II, and we will start shooting in June of 2000

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Liana says: The current rumour is Leo DeCaprio plays Anakin in Episode II. Please help confirm or deny it...thanks!

RickMcCallum: Both George and I love Leo's work, but we haven't even begun casting yet for Episode II, and won't until September or October.

ASKLucasfilm: Dmx796 says: When does the newest "Star Wars" come out?

RickMcCallum: Episode II will come out in summer of 2002.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-JJBinks says: Mr. McCallum, as you know, Darth Maul is an extremely popular character. Any chance we may see him again?

RickMcCallum: Not likely. But remember, (speaking sinisterly) the Dark Side has lots of characters.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-JJBinks says: Mr. McCallum, how far along is Mr. Lucas in his script for Episode II?

RickMcCallum: He started, but he's not far enough. But I'm hoping it will be finished by September.

ASKLucasfilm: SpiderCCC says: should we expect to see more female Jedi in future films?

RickMcCallum: Good question. Good idea. Perhaps. I hope so. Maybe. Wait and see.

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-JJBinks says: Mr. McCallum, can we look forward to seeing such supporting actors as Hugh Quarshie (Captain Panaka) and Pernella August (Shmi Skywalker) in Episode II?

RickMcCallum: Hopefully, yes. P.S.- didn't you think Pernella was great?

ASKLucasfilm: Jedi-Korben says: Have you been given the story plotline by George for the next two movies?

Kevin: Nope, we haven't. A lot of people haven't yet. It's still a work in progress, and not done until September, so no one knows yet.

JUNE 4, 1999


Eric Vinyard writes in the following regarding the Rick McCallum Starburst interview:

Actually, the quote does say that palpatine is Sidious... If you read carefully, the quote from McCallum says that Ian plays two identities - Palpatine and Sidious. It says, "...he is a Sith Lord. He's ALSO Darth Sidious."

That sound's like he's saying that Palpatine is a Sith Lord, because of the
word "also." We all know that Sidious is a Sith Lord. Hence, Palpatine is
Sidious. It's pretty much confirmed.

Scroll down for the first time the message was posted.  You be the judge as to the truth. The debate rages on the message boards.  Add you're two cents here: Palpatine is NOT Sidious or here: Darth Sidious = Palpatine

JUNE 4, 1999


I've heard word of this several months ago but the rumor still seemse to be cirulating in the U2 web sites. reader Dana Wilcox says:
There is a rumor running around the U2 "circles" that lead singer Bono may
play a cameo role as a poet on the planet Alderan. This is commonly know on most u2 web sites.

JUNE 3, 1999


Confirming a story we originally broke here at (on May 29th) about Tarkin appearing in Episode II, Sevaan's Skywalker tipster now says that "Grand Moff Tarkin will be a prominent character in Episode II."  Skywalker goes on to say. "We see him emerging as a governor in his rise to power."

Separately Skywalker tells Sevaan that "The Clone Wars will not, contrary to popular belief, be held in space. It is a ground war, and a ground war only. Look for the Jedi Council to unite and fight in this fierce battle."

Source: Sevaan

JUNE 3, 1999


Aint-it-Cool-News got a tip in from one of its Australian tipsters.  The tip is below.  It also included pictures which can be found at the link below:

Sometime in the next two weeks, Lucasfilm are reportedly beginning to scout locations for Episode 2 in Australia. First port of call is the state of Victoria where they will be looking at the rural area of Nhill (cross between bush and desert) and the Dandenong Ranges which is a glorious looking National screams Star Wars!

Source: (complete with pictures of Dandenong Ranges and Nhill)

JUNE 3, 1999


The Allentown Morning Call had an interview with Natalie Portman regarding her role as the queen.  Episode II came up as a topic.  See the clip below for the Episode II information:

Portman doesn't know where the storyline in ''Episode II'' will go, other than
that a romance develops between Anakin and Queen Amidala.

''George hasn't written a script yet [for the next 'Episode']. This one is a setup
movie where you meet all the characters and are introduced to all the situations. The next film will go deeper into the storylines,'' says Portman.

And, no, she doesn't know who will play opposite her in the next ''Episode.''
''There's no 16-year-old male actor who resembles Jake [Lloyd].''

Regarding the queen's budding romance with Anakin, she says, ''I think most
relationships form out of friendships. It's clear they have a very strong
friendship. She's very maternal with him.

''I'm really excited. I think it makes it stronger to ... go to a place where she's
[Queen Amidala] brought out by love, emotion and passion. [In 'Phantom
Menace'] You can kind of see that she's got something in her eyes and that
there's something going on inside her head and she's maintaining this strength and composure, so that people aren't seeing her fall apart.''

She says her characterization of the queen was based on the film roles of
Lauren Bacall, Katharine Hepburn and Audrey Hepburn -- ''the way they
were, the way they carried themselves and the way they talked.''

Source: Allentown Morning Call

JUNE 2, 1999


Okay so the original headline above read Palpatine is Sidious when several people pointed out that the clip from the article below doesnt actually say that.  It does confirm that both Sidious and Palpatine is played by Ian McDiarmid but does not confirm whether Palpatine is indeed Sidious.  I jumped the gun on that one. The following quote is from Rick McCallum in an article by Ian Spelling on page 41 of this month's Starburst magazine out of the UK:

Mcallum offers this little titbit... "Ian *is* the Phantom Menace," the producer acknowledges. "He's not the Emperor yet [in *The Phantom Menace*], but he is a Sith Lord. He's also Darth Sidious. That's Ian in the robe."

A long excerpt from the article can be found at  - note this online article does not contain the above quote.

Source: Matt Blasick and several other tipsters were kind enough to send in a report from  and